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Oak Forest Area Democrats normally endorses in contested General Elections impacting our service area.  Our process strives to be transparent and fair.  We usually form a screening committee to provide non-binding recommendations of candidates, after which our membership decides on endorsement in a public meeting.  Endorsements for General elections or ballot propositions usually require a simple majority vote of the membership present at our endorsement meetings.  We also may choose to endorse in contested Democratic Primaries (requires a two thirds majority) but we generally avoid doing so except in extraordinary circumstances. 

2023 Electoral Cycle - Oak Forest Area Democrats is pleased to announce our endorsements in the following races:


City of Houston



Controller:  CHRIS HOLLINS

City Council - At Large Position 1:  LEAH WOLFTHAL

City Council - At Large Position 2:  Dual Endorsement:  DANIELLE KEYS BESS and HOLLY FLYNN VILASECA

City Council - At Large Position 3:  CASEY CURRY

City Council - At Large Position 4: LETITIA PLUMMER

City Council - At Large Position 5:  SALLIE ALCORN

City Council - District A:  No endorsement

City Council - District C:  ABBIE KAMIN

City Council - District H: MARIO CASTILLO


Houston Community College System Trustee


No race held in the Oak Forest Area Democrats' Service Area in 2023



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